Monday, August 3, 2009

Hiking through the Echidna Chasm Dan climbing one of the conglomerate rock formations that make up the Echidna Chasm
Cam resting in the natural ampitheatre of the Cathedral Walk
The beginning of the Cathedral Walk
Some of the rock formations
31st July and 1st August, 2009
After a few nights of only overnight stopovers, we decided to spend a couple of nights in the Bungle Bungles. It’s a road that you cannot take caravans on, so as you come to the turnoff, there’s a river spot that is as busy as a Big 4 caravan park. Luckily, we could drive in and camp. The drive took about 70 minutes and it was rough. On the way out, Cam, Dan and myself got car sick – no vomiting luckily, just a few very pale faces. However, it proved to be one of the most rewarding drives we’ve done. The Bungles are impressive in every sense of the word.

We did two walks: the Echidna Chasm in the morning, and then the Cathedral Walk in the afternoon. Even the boys were marveling at how spectacular this place was.

Another plus was the fact that water is abundant. We set up the Power Shower and had hot showers every night. Camping next to us was a family holidaying from Germany, and one of their teenage girls came over to have a shower as well. Worked an absolute treat and the water temperature was spot on.

The camping grounds are great with firewood delivered daily. On the first night no one lit a fire, so we gathered it up and hid it under our trailer so another lot was delivered the next morning. So, on our last night we had one beauty of a bonfire with our neighbouring German family and another fellow camped on the other side of us.

This is also where our worst experiences with European Britz Van drivers occurred. They travel 10 kmp on these corrugations with fully inflated tyres because they have no idea of what they’re doing. We nearly got run off the road overtaking them, as they also hadn’t learnt what the rear vision mirror was for.

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